Learn to draw and paint with confidence: BRIGHT Art Workshops at Jack & Atticus
Permission to play
A piece of blank paper can feel daunting if you're not sure how or where to start a painting. I’ll let you into a secret, I always start with a messy one! It’s only paper and paint after all, what’s the worst that can happen? By starting a painting with play it’s the same as giving yourself permission to have fun. That’s what I love so much about what I do, it’s really good fun.
Group warmup play from the first BRIGHT Art Worksop
Have a go
This autumn, in partnership with local Amersham home emporium Jack & Atticus, I’ve begun an exciting series of in person BRIGHT Art Workshops. The workshops take place within J&A’s beautiful new Buckinghamshire studio with an abundance of visual inspiration to draw from. Whether you’re an experienced artist or looking to try something new you’ll learn how to draw and paint using my artists’ tips, favourite materials and playful approach to art. The goal of my workshops is for you to feel more confident with observation skills and mark making play by using practical techniques that can easily be repeated at home.
“Hi Ali, I just wanted to say an enormous thank you for this morning! I LOVED IT! You were so generous, it felt perfectly pitched for all who were there, with experience or not. Thanks again!”
The first workshop
Looking with intention to see new shapes was the title of the first BRIGHT Art Workshop. A group of eight enthusiastic ladies attended the class. Their experience of art making varied from established local artists to relative beginners and they all got stuck in with an open mind and a desire to explore. Truth be told they made the first workshop an absolute joy to run. It’s always a little nerve wracking starting something new but the smiles on everyone face come coffee break was a pleasure to see.
The morning started with a group warmup and we all had a go using a range of drawing and painting materials. This gave everyone the opportunity to play with different types of pencils, markers, paints and pastels. Each material has its own unique properties and as we in turn are unique individuals we use them all in different ways. Being able to see and respond to each others marks is a fun way to break the ice, loosen up and feel free to make a mess.
“Thank you Ali, I really enjoyed the workshop. It can be so isolating in the studio all the time on my own so really lovely to meet others. I especially enjoyed the first exercise and I got a lot out of your demo’s (as I know everyone else did). It was a really relaxed, lovely atmosphere and I would be very keen to do your collage or mixed media workshop next! It really helps to change things up and try or discover new ways of working. I really want to buy one of those large water soluble, graphite pencils you had, it was brilliant! Many thanks again xx”
What’s in store for the next workshop
Monday 10th October is the date for the next BRIGHT Art Workshop. The class name is Playing with purpose to make new marks and its goal is to experiment with materials to find the unexpected. Elements of collage work will be added to painting techniques that focus on creating textures. We’ll also be thinking of words that light us up and adding them into the mix.
Dictionaries at the ready folks; I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I’ve made spelling mistakes in collage and not realised until the glue’s dried! All part of the creative process and problem solving fun.
Autumn Workshops
Book your place
To book your place place and learn to draw and paint using my artists’ tip and easy to follow principles go to Jack & Atticus. This will take you straight to their workshop booking page which lists all the autumn workshops.
I’m so looking forward to our next play date!