“It’s often difficult to know where to hang artwork in a home. This guide gives some lovely inspirational ideas to help create walls with impact. I particularly love the small corners section - manageable ideas to create beautiful moments in my home.”
“Ali's guide is so incredibly helpful - not only with the practicalities of hanging the art I buy - no more artworks lying around unhung for months because I want it to be 100% right and don't want to mess it up; but also some incredibly helpful tips on deciding what art belongs where in my home. I've displayed pieces before and realised they don't quite look right in that space, but haven't had a clue where they will fit perfectly. Ali's gentle, clear instructions and tips are easy to follow and implement. The guide has really helped me feel more confident about my choices and how to get the most from the artworks I adore. it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
— Kate C